Frequently Asked Question

How to migrate files using an external hard drive or flash drive
Last Updated 7 years ago

How to migrate files using an external hard drive or flash drive/thumb drive:

Step 1: Connect the external hard drive or flash drive to your old Mac.

Step 2: Open the external hard drive or flash drive in a new window so that you can browse for files you want to copy and view the external drive that you want to copy files to at the same time.

Step 3: Locate the files that you want to migrate to your new Mac. You can then click and drag them over to the external hard drive, and you will get a copy window that should estimate how long it will take to copy(the time frame it gives will change based on file size, and it could be much longer or much shorter than it estimates).

Step 4: You can then click the “Eject” icon next to the external hard drive in the Finder window. You can then unplug the hard drive or flash drive from your old Mac, and then plug it right into your new Mac.

Step 5: Click and drag your files from the external storage on your new Mac to whichever folders you would like to have them saved.

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